class: center, middle .title[ # _ ] --- # What are utilities In computers, a utility is a small program that provides an addition to the capabilities provided by the operating system.
-- A utility class is a class that defines a set of methods that perform common, often re-used functions --- # Most popular libraries!! - http://prototypejs.org (02.2005 - 22.09.2015) - http://yuilibrary.com (13.02.2006 - 22.11.2014) - http://jquery.com (26.08.2006) - http://mootools.net (07.03.2007) - http://developers.google.com/closure/library (05.11.2009) ??? all popular libraries have utility functions used internally --- # Utility libraries - http://bitsrc.io (★592) - http://moutjs.com (★746) - http://github.com/tjmehta/101 (★1498) - http://sugarjs.com (★3323) - http://danieltao.com/lazy.js (★4156) - http://underscorejs.org (★20739) - http://lodash.com (★23748) --- ### Problem: access deeply nested properties ??? - lots of nesting means lots of checks - not simply STRING but a concept of PATH - _.set - mutates initial object -- ``` var user = { name: 'John', companies: [{ name: 'Cisco', created: { date: 'December 10, 1984' } }, ...] }; {{content}} ``` -- var date = _.get( user, `'companies[0].created.date'` ); // "December 10, 1984" {{content}} -- var updatedUser = _.set( user, 'companies[0].created.founder', 'Leonard Bosack' ); {{content}} -- console.log( user === updatedUser ); // true -- [Demo](http://jsbin.com/zomaguzaza/1/edit?js,console) --- ### Problem: find an object in a collection ``` var users = [{ id: 1, name: 'John' }, ...]; var userId = 1; {{content}} ``` -- var currentUser = _.find( users, `{ id: userId }` ); -- [Demo](http://jsbin.com/yubocozune/1/edit?js,console) --- ### Problem: cut away unnecessary data to work with ??? - need to cut data for not applying all properties or to save on bandwidth. - there is no need to send updatedDate since backend is the one to write that property not FE - array of PATHS! -- ``` var book = { id: 0, title: 'Lord of the Pigs', author: 'Twinkie', updatedDate: 'June 10, 1908' }; {{content}} ``` -- var data = _.pick( book, [ 'id', 'author' ] ); {{content}} -- var data2 = _.omit( book, [ 'title', 'updatedDate' ] ); JSON.stringify( data ) === JSON.stringify( data2 ); // true -- [Demo](http://jsbin.com/yubuzamata/1/edit?js,console) --- ### Problem: show unique properties of entities ??? - tag cloud - uniq with array, not collections - SameValueZero - map with PATH - remove all values that we probably don't need -> after split, trim for arrays -- ``` var items = [ { id: 0, type: 'file' }, { id: 1, type: 'image' }, { id: 2, type: 'text' }, { id: 3, type: 'file' }, { id: 4, type: '' } ]; {{content}} ``` -- var uniqs = _.uniq( _.map(items, 'type') ); {{content}} -- // ["file", "image", "text", ""] {{content}} -- var labels = _.compact(uniqs).join(', '); // "file, image, text" -- [Demo](http://jsbin.com/domayoroti/edit?js,console) --- ### Problem: detect what have been changed in arrays ??? - state systems -> added/removed? - array values not included in the other given arrays -- ``` var oldTags = [ 'js', 'css' ]; var newTags = [ 'html', 'css' ]; {{content}} ``` -- var addedTags = _.difference( newTags, oldTags ); // ["html"] {{content}} -- var removedTags = _.difference( oldTags, `newTags` ); // ["js"] -- [Demo](http://jsbin.com/fiqilamuci/edit?js,console) --- ### Problem: remove object from collection ``` var options = [ 'orange', 'pineapple', 'applepen', 'orange' ]; var bannedFruit = 'orange'; {{content}} ``` -- var allowedFruits = _.without( options, bannedFruit ); // ["pineapple", "applepen"] -- [Demo](http://jsbin.com/gezuqopifu/edit?js,console) --- ### Problem: check whether item is in collection ``` var selectedItemsIDs = [1, 2, 3, 4]; var currentItemID = 3; var isSelected = {{content}} ``` -- _.includes( selectedItemsIDs, currentItemID ); // true -- [Array.prototype.includes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/includes) --- ### Problem: check data and types ??? - not a secret js has some slight issues with types - because these are functions we can use them as 'predicate' -- ``` var isNaN = NaN === NaN; // false ``` -- ``` _.isFunction _.isEmpty _.isBoolean _.isNil _.isInteger _.isNaN ... ``` -- ``` var onlyBooleans = [ 1, true, 'true', false ].filter( _.isBoolean ); // [true, false] ``` --- ### Problem: layout with dynamic calculations lags on window resize ??? - scroll, resize, input events fire too often - remember previous results -- ``` window.addEventListener( 'resize', _.throttle( recalculateLayout, 200 ) ); {{content}} ``` -- function recalculateLayout() { ... return _.memoize( windowWidth, getSizeMatrix ); } --- ### Task: sort items differently depending on its properties > Items in progress should be sorted by priority, while completed items should be at bottom with most recently resolved first. -- ``` Item = { active: true; priority: number; resolvedDaysAgo: number; } ``` -- ``` import { partition, orderBy } from 'lodash'; let [ inProgress, completed ] = partition( items, 'active' ); {{content}} ``` -- return [].concat( orderBy( inProgress, 'priority', 'desc' ), orderBy( completed, 'resolvedDaysAgo' ) ); --- ### Problem: too many utilities nesting )))))) ??? - ) are not smiles but line endings, nested functions, lisp - nesting to chains - chain -> object wrapper, similar to what jquery does for chaining -- ``` let fileFormats = uniq( compact ( flatten ( map( assets, 'format' )))); ``` -- ``` let fileFormats = `chain( assets )` {{content}} ``` -- .map( 'format' ) {{content}} -- .flatten() {{content}} -- .compact() {{content}} -- .uniq() {{content}} -- .`value()`; --- ### Going deeper into functional utilities - http://rpominov.github.io/kefir (★1255) - http://baconjs.github.io (★5669) - http://ramdajs.com (★8213) - http://reactivex.io/rxjs (★6512, 16k in old repo) --- class: center, middle # Thank You! ### Questions?